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Managing Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal emotion just like happiness or sadness and some anxiety in life is normal. It's okay to feel anxious about that exam...
Make time to talk about mental health on 7th February
With 1 in 4 people experiencing a mental health problem each year why is talking about it so hard? Why do many people keep their...
Selecting the right Supervisor can help you grow
If you're reading this blog about supervision, you may be looking because you want or need a new supervisor, but just as finding the...
Should Supervision be a requirement for more front-line staff?
Supervision for counsellors is an essential requirement in the BACP Ethical Framework to maintain good practice. It states "Supervision...
Challenging Hate Crime: Understanding and accepting differences in others
Non-Judgement is Powerful Carl Rogers, the creator of Person Centred Counselling believed that six conditions were "necessary but...
Elder Abuse: Is it happening to someone you know?
We hear a lot in the media of different stories of abuse as brave survivors come forward and tell of their experiences. Abuse whether it...
I just need someone to listen...
Listen Author Unknown When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advice, you have not done what I asked. When I ask you to...
Should I take medication for depression and anxiety?
One question I have been asked repeatedly is "do I think medication should be taken for mental health conditions such as depression and...
Modern Slavery: Would you know it if you saw it?
In the past few months, we have been increasingly hearing reports of people being convicted of modern slavery offences. Since May 2017,...
Afraid to make a change? Don't fear let it hold you back...
Is there something in your life that you know you need to change? How do you feel about making that change? Are you keen and able to take...
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