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Book a Counselling Session

Please contact me either by email or telephone.  If I am unable to take your call, please leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible.

07711 272509


Whilst I am unable to offer a free initial trial session, I do recommend that we have contact via telephone before meeting to discuss your needs. By making telephone contact you are under no obligation to book a session and this would not constitute a counselling session.

What happens in the first session?

The first session is almost like setting the stage for work to begin. Preferably there has already been telephone contact between us beforehand, but the first session is really the chance for you to ask questions, I will reconfirm our confidentiality and for you to give me an outline of what you wish to work on during therapy.


More importantly though, the first session is a chance for both parties to see if working together is possible and if I’m the right counsellor for you. If you decide you want to book further sessions although you are under no obligation to do so, at the end, I will ask you to complete a client contact form and read my working guidelines, downloadable here to read through beforehand if you wish, although I will have paper copies during our session.

  • What if I need to cancel?
    I understand that there are times when sessions need to be cancelled and I ask that you give as much notice as possible. I will not charge for cancelled sessions with more than 24 hours’ notice.
  • Will you tell me what to do?
    No. I am not going to tell you what you should be doing or give you advice. Counselling gives you the space and time to explore your situation and help you work towards your own solutions at a pace that is right for you. My role is to work alongside you to reach your own potential, free from judgement, criticism and expectation.
  • Will you talk about me to anyone else?
    Counselling is confidential unless you disclose something that implies that either you or someone else is at risk of serious harm or if there is a child protection issue, in which case we will work together to get the necessary help and support. Please see the attached working guidelines for full confidentiality policy.
  • Who is present during a counselling session?
    Counselling sessions are on a one to one basis only. I am unable to offer group or couples therapy at this time.
  • How much will it cost?
    Counselling: Individual Sessions : £50 per hour Canine Assisted Therapy: £60 per session Payment by cash, debit/credit card or by bank transfer If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact me to discuss further as I can be flexible with fees. Supervision: £55.00 per hour/£75.00 per 1.5 hours
  • What if I don’t think counselling is working?
    I believe in collaborative working and aim to provide a relationship that is genuine, honest and where you feel safe enough to be open including saying if you feel counselling is not working. In this instance I would welcome your feedback and address the issues with you.
  • How frequent are counselling sessions?
    Counselling sessions last for 50 minutes, usually weekly but can be flexible to suit your needs or financial situation. There is no minimum or maximum limit to how many sessions I offer as each person and situation is different and I will respect your decision to end counselling when you feel ready to do so.
  • Sexual Violence and Abuse
    National Association for People Abused in Childhood: Into the Light: For people who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and those who support them Rape Crisis: Karma Nirvana: Supporting victims of honour crimes and forced marriages Lucy Faithfull Foundation: A child protection agency that works to stop child sexual abuse by working with people who pose a sexual risk and diverting them from causing harm. Confidential helpline 0808 1000 900, Shore: A safe space for teenagers worried about sexual behaviour, chat or email support,
  • Addiction
    Frank: (drugs) Alcoholics Anonymous: Al-Anon: for those affected by someone else's drinking: Drugs Fam: Support for families affected by drugs and alcohol addiction Addaction:
  • Professional Bodies
    The Complementary Medicine Association Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care Professionals Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists Information Commissioner's Office: Practical information about your data protection and information rights,
  • Children & Young People
    Childline: Youth Enquiry Service: Papyrus: supporting young people up to 35 and their families at risk of suicide Young minds: for those concerned about the mental health of a young person Mermaids: Family and individual support for teenagers and children with gender identity issues 3340550 landline, 0344 3340550 mobiles only.
  • End of Life & Bereavement
    Cruse bereavement support Child Bereavement UK Anne Robson Trust: Supporting people at the end of their life and those that support them, helpline 0808 8010688
  • Domestic Violence
    Reducing the Risk of Domestic Abuse develops and delivers services for those affected by domestic abuse in Oxfordshire and provides training across the UK The DASH charity: supporting young people affected by domestic abuse Wycombe Women's Aid: supporting women and children experiencing domestic abuse Respect: support for men concerned about their behaviour towards partners Institute for Addressing Strangulation (IFAS): Support for victims/survivors of non fatal strangulation and suffocation,
  • Mental Health
    Buckinghamshire Talking Therapies for those suffering from depression, anxiety or stress No Panic: for those suffering from panic attacks, phobias, OCD, and anxiety disorders: National Self Harm Network: National Autistic Society: Advice and support for people with Autism and their families ADHD UK: Help for people with ADHD and the people that care for them OCD UK: Education and support with OCD
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